Declaration for Organisational Applicants
The applicant declares as under:
5.2.2. Declares in written the belief in the constitution of the GAPP;
5.2.3. Declares an agreement in written on affidavit to join GAPP Organization.
5.2.4. Declares in written that the member organization will involve its vertical units in composition of the vertical units of the GAPP Organization.
5.2.5. Declares in written to write the name of GAPP Organization in its all publicity materials with one’s name as school, colleges write the name of university and their Board affiliated with along with their name.
5.2.6. declares in written to deploy its cadre in sale and purchase of those goods and services which is recognized by the GAPP;
5.2.7. declares in written to empower its vertical cadre by remunerating them through RDRs* against political and social works done for social sector;
5.2.8. declares in written to empower its vertical cadre by voting right for the elections conducted for composition of vertical legislative and executive Committees of the GAPP Organization;
5.2.9. declares that the applicant organization is not the member of such GAPP which is not associate of the GAPP Organization.
5.2.10 Applies according to the Form-4 decided for availing the Organizational Membership of the GAPP;
5.2.11. Submits the application for membership to the office of GAPP either by paper or by On Line method and gets the application accepted by the GAPP Organization as per rules;
5.2.12. Declares in written to not cooperate with corporate powers in their conspiracy “divide the society to exploit”.
5.2.13. Any Member Organization which will motivate at least one social/political/commercial organization to join GAPP Organization and will continuously participates in the meetings, public programs and other events of the GAPP; will be treated as Active Member Organization of the GAPP.
5.2.14. Declares in written that the applicant Member Organization will deposit requisite membership donation on regular basis to the GAPP Fund as per the rules laid down in Schedule-III of the Constitution of the GAPP.
Choose grading of your organization-
5.4. Grading of Membership of Organizations
Membership of Member Organizations will be classified in five grades. The detailed rules, regulations, terms and conditions in relation to grading of member organizations will be maintained in Schedule-9 of the constitution of the Organization. The Interim Government of Earth / Central Executive Committee will have power to amend the terms and conditions of grading time to time. For helping the member organizations, to utilize energy of the office bearers adequately, the GAPP Organization will issue grading certificates to member organizations on the basis of education, training, assessment and on the basis of achieved amount of RDRs. The central executive Committee will have power to make rules in this regards. The central committee of the GAPP will have the power to amend these terms and conditions.
5.4.1 Grading of Social and Political Membership The criteria for Grading of member organizations will be as follows:
- Capacity of people’s participation
- Potential for Economic Contribution
- Ability to popularity among member organizations of GAPP
- The ability of integrity and dedication to the GAPP
- Targeted percentage of human population chosen for service
- Ability to hold RDR All the above standards will have 100 marks prescribed for each standard. Total marks for all 6 standards will be 600. To determine the percentage of capacity of any Member Organization, separate evaluation will be conducted on all the above parameters and finally the total score percentage of the Member Organization’s capacity will be calculated by adding the marks obtained on all the 6 parameters. On each of the above 6 parameters, the first class Member Organizations will be required to score 81-100%, the second class Member Organizations 61-80%, the third class Member Organizations 41-60%, the fourth class Member Organizations 21-40% and the fifth class Member Organizations 0-20%. Grading of Member Organizations on the basis of capacity of people’s participation for the GAPP- In 5th rank, those Member Organizations will be considered who will ensure people’s participation from 01 to 10. The Member Organization which ensures attendance in the number of 11-50 will be considered as the fourth class Member Organization. The third class Member Organizations will be considered as the one which ensures the presence of 51 to 500 workers. The Member Organization which ensures the presence of 501-5000 workers will be considered as a second class Member Organization. In the first rank, they will be considered as Member Organizations which ensure the presence of more than 5000 workers of their Member Organizations in the programs of the GAPP. Grading of member organizations on the criteria of capacity of financial contribution to the GAPP – In the fifth rank, those Member Organizations will be listed whose no cash economic cooperation is available to the GAPP. The fourth class Member Organizations will be called those who support the GAPP in cash from ₹1000 to ₹12,000 per year. Member Organizations which support the GAPP from ₹10,000 to ₹60,000 per year will be given the status of a third Grade Member Organization. Member Organizations with economic support of ₹60,000 to ₹2,00,000 per year will be treated as second Grade Member Organizations. The first Grade Member Organizations will be considered to be those who contribute more than ₹2,00,000 per year to the account of the GAPP. Grading on the criteria of popularity potential among member organizations of the GAPP– The fifth category will list Member Organizations whose representative or head is liked by more than 5% Member Organizations. Those who are preferred by Member Organizations from 6% to 10% will be considered as fourth class Member Organization. The third Grade will count Member Organizations which are liked by at least 11% to 20% of the member organizations. Member Organizations liked by 21% to 40% member organisations will be called second ranked Member Organizations. If more than 40% member organisations vote, then said Member Organization will be treated first ranked Member Organization. Grading of Member Organizations on the criteria of bearing RDR- Fifth Grade will be granted to those Member Organizations who will bear RDRs below Rs. 1 lakh. RDR bearers ranging from Rs.1 lakh to Rs.10,00,000 will be treated as fourth Grade Member Organization. Member Organization bearing from Rs.10,00,001 to Rs.1 crore will be recognized as third Grade Member Organization. Member Organizations bearing RDR of more than One crore and up to ₹100 crore will be registered as second class Member Organization. Member Organizations bearing RDRs of more than Rs 100 crore will be recognized as first class Member Organization. Grading of Member Organizations on the criteria of capacity of dedication and integrity to the GAPP–
- To keep a record of the income and expenditure and the records of members and functionaries of Member Organization,
- To train its members and functionaries,
- To monetarily evaluate the work done by functionaries of one’s Member Organizations,
- To keep a monetary record of individuals and institutions who have donated to Member Organization,
- To provide employment to Member Organizations and functionaries,
(1) Member Organizations which attend the meetings of assembly of the heads or representatives of the GAPP regularly and submit affidavits as per the proforma of the GAPP to subscribe to the GAPP.
(2) Member Organizations which popularize the monetary assessment certificates issued by the GAPP in the name of RDR among their members, functionaries and donors and make them RDR bearers.
(3) Member Organizations which receive the services of recognized experts of GAPP for cadre training;
(4) Member Organizations which engaged their members and functionaries in the purchase and sale of goods and services recognized by the GAPP;
(5) Member Organizations that authorize GAPP recognized chartered accountants, record-maintaining institutions.
(6) Members who do not follow any of the above five provisions will be called fifth Grade Member Organization.
(7) Member Organizations which consider only provision no.-1 will be treated as the 4th Grade Member Organization.
(8) Member organizations that accept the said provision no. (1) (2) will be called third Grade Member Organization.
(9) The second ranked Member Organization shall be considered that accept provision no. (1) (2) (3).
(10) The Member Organizations accepting all the above five provisions will be recognized as first Grade Member Organization. Grading of Member Organizations on the criteria of capacity of the targeted population for public service- The fifth Grade will be granted to those Member Organizations working for the development of their clan or caste or their limited geographical area. The fourth Grade will consist of Member Organizations working for the development of their state. The third Grade will be given to the Member Organizations which are working for the development of their country. The second Grade will consist of Member Organizations working for the development and international peace amongst neighbouring countries as well. The first Grade will be granted to Member Organizations working for the economic development of all the people staked out all over the world, for global peace and global good governance.