Aims and Objectives
The objects for which this trust is
established are:
· The trust will act for the public
charitable purposes fall under the provisions of Indian Trust Act 1882.
· The trust will work for conducting,
affiliating and associating the educational and training institutions like
network of schools, colleges, universities, etc and printing and publishing
journals, newspapers, and books and conducting Radio, YouTube Channels,
Educational, motivational and News Channels for the purpose of the trust.
· The trust will work for making, conducting,
affiliating and associating some organizations, institutions, farmers and
companies to inject more and more investment in the sector of agriculture for
providing good quality food grains in lower prices to the lower and middle
income groups.
· The trust will work for making, conducting,
affiliating and associating some organizations, institutions, weavers and
companies for providing clothing facilities to the lower income groups
specially and other groups in general on the basis of more investments and more
production in the sector of clothe production unites.
· The trust will work for making, conducting,
affiliating and associating some organizations, institutions and companies for
providing housing facilities to the lower income groups specially and other
groups in general on the basis of installments.
· The trust will work to establish, conduct,
affiliate, associate, develop, maintain network of hospitals, medical schools,
medical colleges, nursing institutions, dispensaries, maternity homes, medical
and health insurance service companies and centers, child care and welfare centers
and/or such other similar charitable institutions for the benefit and use of
the charity of general public.
· The trust will work to establish, run,
support conduct, affiliate, associate, develop, maintain network of schools,
colleges, "Center for Changing the World" i.e "Vishva Parivartan
Kenra", libraries, reading rooms, universities, laboratories, research and
other institutions of the like nature for use of the students and the staff and
also for the quantity and quality advancement of education amongst the public
in general.
· The trust will work to establish, maintain
and run scholarships and render other kind of aid to students including supply
of books, stipends, medals and other incentives to study, without any distinction
as to caste, color, race, creed, sex or geographical territories.
· The trust will work to establish, maintain
or grant aid to homes for the aged, orphanages or other establishments for the
relief and help to the poor, needy and destitute people, orphans, widows and
aged persons.
· The trust will work to establish and
develop institutions for the physically handicapped and disabled or mentally
retarded persons and to provide them education, food, clothing or other helps.
· The trust will work to grant relief and
assistance to the needy victims during natural calamities such as famine, earth
quake, flood, fire, pestilence, etc. and to give donations and other assistance
to institutions, establishments or persons engaged in such relief work.
· The Settler is the contemporary statesman,
thinker, philosopher, author of many books; who has devoted his life to educate
the society and to produce the reformers for making the existing
politico-economic system more advanced, more judicious, more inclusive,
more democratic, more charitable and more constitutional as enshrined in the
preamble and in directive principles of the Constitution of India. The trust is
made to pilot the programs, mechanism and tools discovered and invented by
Settler for the purpose of above said reforms in system with aim to strengthen
Constitution of India. The trust will work to generate and augment the economic
resources to execute the amendments and reforms in various domestic and
international laws and in various treaties to translate the ideals of equality
of opportunity, Secularism, Socialism and global fraternity into practice as
indicated in the constitution of India.
· With aim to implement various ideals of
directive principles of constitution of India the trust will associate with
organizations and individuals who are working for restructuring the power
structure to ensure the inclusive democracy, for vertical separation of
political and economic power of the state, for economic democracy and economic
freedom, for economic human rights and working for creating awareness amongst
the sufferers and victims of unjust politico-economic system. Through the
forums of associations and alliances with above said individuals and
organizations, the trust will make the institutional infrastructure to achieve
the objectives of the trust.
· The trust will get associated with other
organizations and individuals of India and abroad with the legal permission of
government of India. In this regard those organizations will be preferred to
get associated who are working for developing institutional infrastructure and
enacting the provisions of draft of various international treaties drafted by
this trust; who are working for the purpose of preventing the circumstances of
third world war and who are working for the purpose of participation in global
growth by providing distributive justice to inhabitants of this earth. In the
proceedings of such association with other organizations, the trust will follow
rules and regulations of concerned treaties held with government of India with
other countries. For facilitating the above said associations with other
organizations, the trust will form its various units time to time. The name of
some above said units will be Global Organization for Democracy, in Hindi-
“Lokatantra Vaste Vishva Sangha", in short- GOD; "Global Citizens
Fund" in Hindi- "Vishva Nagarik Kosh" short- GCF; "Global
Agreement of Participation and Peace" in short- GAPP Treaty; "Global
Alliance for Participation and Peace", in sort GAPP Alliance. Each and
every such unit will have its own constitution which will be approved by the
instant trust. The Settler of this trust or his representative will be ex
officio Chief Policy Director of all units which will be made time to time.
· The trust will associate with other trusts,
organizations and individuals who are working for getting voluntary donations
from individuals and from institutions. The trust will work to get above said
donations refunded with lucrative interests in any manner to donors to inspire
them to donate more and more for charity as defined in the instant deed. The
trust will also work to evaluate and assess the donations of individuals and
institutions made in form of cash and/or kind, or made in form of mental and/or
physical work done for promoting the aims and objectives of the trust in terms
of liquid money. After assessment and evaluation, the trust will issue the
competent assessment evaluation certificates/notes/ tools/ device(s) against
the above said donations to facilitate the donations refunded.
· The trust will work to run above said
"Centre for Changing World", which will be called in Hindi the
"Vishva Parivartan Kendra" and will work to run the training centers
to produce trained activists to translate the aims and objectives of the trust
into practice and will also work to provide facilities of hostel, office,
classrooms and auditoriums to trainees.
· The trust will associate and cooperate with
organizations and individuals who are working for establishing economic
democracy, economic fraternity, minimum economic equality and minimizing gap
between income among citizens and among the nation states.
· The trust will work for facilitating the
growth in the productivity and sell of goods and services produced by those
firms, companies, trusts, organizations and group of people who admit the
necessity of distribution of economic wealth amongst each and every electors
produced by the natural resources, by the labor of machines and by the
existence of various laws and law enforcing agencies.
· The trust will work for assisting
financially and educationally to those individuals, statesmen, institutions and
office bearers of various organizations who are working for the partial or
complete purpose of trust.
· The trust will run and/or affiliate and /or
authorize some private security agencies to provide security services for
giving employment to unemployed youth, for giving protection free of cost to
life, liberty and assets of persons working for achieving the purpose of the
trust who are unable financially to keep personal security guards.
· The trust will run projects of government
of India, state governments and international funding agencies which will be
approved by the trust looking the land of law.
· Other objects of general public utility –
· To acquire property for the sole use for
public good by making it available for public purposes as for example, housing
a library clinic, crèche and/or as a community ball to be available for public
use as training classes, seminars, discourses and other public functions for
benefit of the community in general.
· To undertake any other activity incidental
to the above activities but which are not inconsistent with the above objects.
· PROVIDED the Trust may assist/donate the
other TRUST to carry out the various objects mentioned in the objects clause in
such manner and to the extent the Trustees may decide upon from time to time.